In a time marked by constant innovation, rapid tech advancements, and evolving ethical challenges, 将技术融入教育势在必行. St. 路加福音’s strategic vision underscores the importance of enhancing every student's capabilities and understanding of the power and societal impact of technology, 让它成为他们茁壮成长的基石.

新兴技术,计算机科学 & 工程(CSE)课程

St. 路加福音’s emerging technologies curriculum looks beyond trends to the underlying foundational elements that all modern technology is built upon, 比如解决问题, 算法思想, 编程, 数据分析.
通过必修课和选修课, 学生将建立全面的体能, 数字, 以及逻辑设计和实现技能. This includes computer 编程; Computer-Aided Design (CAD); physical prototyping; empathetic human-tech interface design; and data science. 

我们的愿景是让所有圣卢克的毕业生都能熟练地离开山顶学校, 负责任的创造者和用户的技术塑造世界.


St. 路加福音’s core technology curriculum will expand in the 中学 in September 2024 to include a full four-year sequence of 计算机科学与工程(CSE) 课程:


  • 5 - CSE 5:创造性解决问题

    The goal of this course is for students to become more observant of their environment and see themselves as changemakers who can identify and solve many types of problems. The iterative Design Thinking Process will provide students with a framework for creatively solving a problem and communicating their ideas. 通过个人和合作项目和拼图, students will develop empathy by becoming more attentive to the needs of others to engineer solutions that directly address the challenge. This class focuses on problem-solving strategies and is an introduction to the tools and materials in the designLab that are used for low-fidelity prototyping as well as basic block and text-based code.
  • 第6 - CSE 6:社会影响的物理设计

    The goal of this course is to engage students in the Design Thinking Process as they learn physical skills related to fabrication and prototyping so that they may identify as designers and engineers. Students practice brainstorming and research as they develop problem-solving skills related to specific tools and challenges. Lessons focus on the tools and methods necessary for specific project development. These tools become vehicles for student imagination as they design and build their own products at two distinct points in the year. These designs rely on knowledge of core content to solve real-world design challenges for fundraising. Students will learn to create business plans that will maximize their philanthropic contributions to their cause.
  • 7 - CSE 7:计算机 & AI伦理

    This course provides an engaging introduction to Artificial Intelligence with an emphasis on ethical decision-making. Students learn technical concepts—such as how to train a simple classifier—and consider the ethical implications of those technical concepts, 比如算法偏差. 学生熟悉关键术语,如数据集, 学习算法, 预测, 和优化, 并将练习使用道德矩阵. Students learn to recognize AI systems in everyday life and reason about the 预测s those systems make. 在整个课程中, students gain a foundational understanding of their newly issued MacBook computers including the basic workings of a computer (memory, 存储, CPU, I/O), 数据和应用程序之间的区别, 网络和云计算的概念和实践(客户机/服务器模型), 并使用电子表格进行数据类型和管理.
  • 8 - CSE 8:电子学 & 机器人

    This course ties together computer science and engineering as students study physical computing in the form of electronics and robotics. 机器人 requires a physical build as well as 编程 logic to add functionality. Students continue to use the Design Thinking Process as they design and build simple circuits; they use computer-aided design (CAD) software to design the housing for their robots. 这些原型是用3D打印机和激光切割机制作的. 这门课程侧重于解决问题, 协作, 项目计划, 故障排除, 创造力, and perseverance as students design and build their robots over the course of the year.


中学课程为……提供了坚实的基础 高中计算机科学与工程. This already robust curriculum continues to evolve with new offerings planned for 2024-2025. 上学校 students take their skills to the next level by developing sophisticated problem-solving and technical 编程 capabilities. 

St. 卢克的区别: Technological prowess is developed in tandem with a student's strong moral compass. Every level of emerging tech and CSE adds a new layer of learning around ethics and empathy. 阅读更多关于将道德嵌入的关键重要性 高等教育内部: 在课堂上,一些大学忽视了科技的阴暗面
Liz Perry, 负责学术事务的副院长, 在2023年的学校状态中展示了新兴技术.
艾比阿伯特, 美国助理主管, 和康纳·格伦南, Dean of Students and Head of Generative AI at NYU Stern Business School (and SLS parent), 讨论人工智能如何重塑教育.

丽兹·佩里,圣. 卢克的学术助理院长

A curriculum around emerging technologies means not waiting for others to develop programs. We have taken the lead in developing this critical new arm of education because it’s what students need now to thrive into the future.”



  • 关于一个完全不同的工具的奇谈:St. 卢克的学校拥抱新兴技术

    The New Canaan Library audience sat riveted as a conversation about using generative AI in education unfolded. 康纳·格伦南指挥, the Dean of Students and Head of Generative AI at The NYU Stern Business School (and SLS parent), 和艾比·艾伯特, St. 卢克的高中副校长, 讨论围绕着ChatGPT技术展开. 格伦南和阿博特都强调了心态的转变, moving from initial fears about the impact of AI on student thinking and writing to a sense of curiosity: 这是一个完全不同的工具. 我们如何使用它?

最近的新兴技术和CSE事件在St. 卢克的

St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 路加福音’s Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.